Ode to Mystique

To be or not to be we ponder
the means as we pass
one another like ships
on the open sea

Readying cargo
Choosing routes
Signing contracts
Heading north, swinging south

All in a day’s work without
a complaint we want to believe
forever looking back
Dazed as in a fading dream

Who is to know the slights and
misfortunes we silently suffer
Monstrous thoughts that bring on
the turbulence without a buffer

And yet, we sail on full of hope and
vitality flying our sails high
In search of our mystique—
our one and only dream

Life seemed so promising just a
moment ago now looms above
Unfair, Complicated, Difficult
“Where to!?” the captain demands

Can there be other potential
Other possibilities stowed
below the deck while we ponder
Shaking our quizzical head

If life was meant to be lived
to the fullest reaching our
goals attaining the dream
the question begs to be answered:

“What are we doing here?”

© Stania Zbela 2014